Alex Schärli


Alex Schärli, a native of Malters, a charming town near the Swiss Alps, began his journey with a vocational degree as an electrician. His academic pursuits led him to HSO Business School Switzerland, where he earned a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Marketing.

In 2014, he embarked on a rewarding sales career, a path that would later take him across continents. A significant milestone in his personal life was in 2017 when he married his lovely wife, Brooke. Together, they decided to embark on a new adventure and live in the Golden State, USA. He pursued an MBA in Global Business Management from APUS, graduating in 2020. Despite his professional commitments, Alex is deeply involved in community service.

He volunteers his time and skills as a foreign language instructor for senior citizens and likes to spend time in nature. His colleagues value his versatility, bestowing him the nickname “Swiss Army Knife.” Today, Alex is thriving as an Account Executive at Paylocity. On a lighter note, Alex shares his home with a black tuxedo cat named Fluffer Nut, adding a touch of whimsy to his family life.