Join us at the Christkindlmarkt 🎄 December 2-3, 2023

The Sacramento Turn Verein’s Actives section will host the annual Christkindlmarkt at the Turn Verein the first weekend of December. Doors open at 10 am on Saturday for family friendly activities including arts and crafts, many local vendors, and of course traditional German Christmas music, food, and drink. Call for volunteers:Our school will host an arts […]

The German-American Cultural Center–Library presents: The inner German border during the Cold War

November 17, 7:30 p.m. at the STV Library 📚 Entrance is free; donations are appreciated for snacks and beverages. Our speaker, Jeffry Cannon, was a member of the U.S. Army during the 1970s, and was stationed in West Germany as a border guard on the Inner German Border–the borders between West and East Germany, as well as […]

Next Stammtisch: Saturday, September 23, 6 pm at Midtown Biergarten

Our September Stammtisch Oktoberfest Edition is here. As you might know, this weekend the OG Oktoberfest in Munich started, so our September Stammtisch will be all about the Oktoberfest. We would be happy to see you wearing your Dirndl or Lederhose if you have one. Enjoy some delicious food and drinks with us, speak German, or speak about German food, culture, […]

Children’s Classes for the early fall semester

Dear parents, As some of you might already know, at this point we do NOT have a teacher and will have to cancel all children’s classes for the early fall semester (heritage classes are fortunately continuing). We are very sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you and are actively looking for a teacher to […]

Please pardon our dust!

We’re thrilled to announce the grand launch of our new website after months of hard work, collecting feedback, and refining every detail. What’s in store for you? • A brand-new, user-friendly store for hassle-free merchandise purchase and class registration – no more Paypal required! • Stay up-to-date with the latest information. • Conveniently find class […]

Teachers wanted!

Wir haben oft mehrere Stellen frei und suchen auch Vertretungslehrer*innen (Kinder- und Erwachsenenklassen). Der Unterricht für Erwachsene findet Montag, Dienstag oder Mittwoch abends zwischen 18 und 21:15 Uhr statt. Die Kinderklassen finden in der Regel Samstag morgens von 9 bis 12 Uhr statt. Gehalt variiert je nach Ausbildung. Alle Lehrstellen sind Teilzeit. Wenn Du interessiert […]

German Teacher (part-time) – Children’s Classes- Sacramento, CA

Description Die Deutschschule des Sacramento TurnVereins stellt Deutschlehrer*innen für die Kinderklassenein. Erforderlich sind gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache, vorzugsweise als Muttersprache. Unterrichtserfahrung ist erwünscht, aber nicht unbedingt erforderlich. Sie sollten einen wertschätzenden Umgang mit Menschen und gute kommunikative und pädagogische Fähigkeiten haben. Wir wünschen uns motivierte und begeisterungsfähige Lehrkräfte, die Spaß am Unterrichten haben und […]